Czech Marketing is a UK owned and managed company specialized in Web Site Optimization of international web sites for Czech Search Engines and optimization and positioning of Czech web sites on world search engines.
We provide Search Engine Optimization Services to international companies who wish to operate in the Czech Republic and want their websites to be found by potential Czech customers on the Czech Search Engines, and vice versa - optimization and SEO placement for Czech companies wishing to have their sites found worldwide on International Search Engines
How do we do this ?
Czech Marketing are specialists in optimizing international and Czech web sites to make them compatible for UK, USA, German, Italian and Czech search engines using our years of experience in web site optimization, web site positioning and marketing to get websites to the top. We have English, Italian, German and Czech webmaster specialists who are versed in their own language, culture, local marketing standards and the local search engine optimization techniques.Czech web site marketing can help you advertise your business in the Czech Republic and using our international web site optimization sevices will help to increase traffic, increase google results and increase site visitors
Can we guarantee the first position in search engines ?Can pigs fly ?
Nobody can guarantee absolute top search engine positions and if they do they have a better sense of humour than the thousands of companies who fork out extravagant advertising budgets for search engine placement only to be lost in interspace and wonder what happened to their promise of top search engine positions.We do guarantee an increase in your web site visitors,
the so called web site traffic, from 300% to 1000%.You get your money back if we don't.
Never happened in the 10 years we've been offering our site
optimization services to worldwide and Czech clients.With our local search engine optimization techniques and optimization for international search engines, optimizing multilingual web sites our Search Engine Optimization Services and specialists in optimizing international websites, seo experts competent in seo promotion will get results for your keyword ranking.
Universal Internet Truth nr. 1
80% of the people who find your site do so by using the search engines.Universal Internet Truth nr. 2
99,9% of the people who use the search engines WILL NOT look further than
the third page of the search results they get on any particular search engine.Universal Internet Truth nr. 3
If your web site does not come up within the first 3 pages of search
engine results then you will have 90% less visitors than when it does.Enter this site to see our range of seo services, our optimization price list and how we can get you found on world search engines. Inside this site you'll find usefull tips, seo advice and suggestions on web site placement which will inform you on the not-so-easy concept of getting found on the web by your clients. ie. people who are looking for what you offer on your website.
If you want to advertise your business in the Czech Republic,
or your Czech company worldwide, then we can help you.Czech keyword ranking, German search terms, Italian keyword optimization and optimization for international search engines will all help to increase traffic. If its google, yahoo or seznam, german search engines, italian directories like Virgilio or Arianna, Italian site optimization and our seo marketing experience will increase search result improvement in Italy, Germany, UK, USA and the Czech Republic..
Submitting to,,, or Altavista will get you good ranking positions but if your website is optimized and tuned using our Positioning and Ranking Services and search engine promotion you will see the REAL seo placement results.
Website positioning in Czech Republic, worldwide web marketing or local search engine optimization is our speciality.